Hometown: Daytona Beach, FL Genera: Acoustic Mix of Rock, Country & Pop Bio: Ten years ago, solo musician Gail Delagi heard Tina Gordon singing along (in harmony) out in the crowd and invited her on stage to sing a song. The rest is history. These two women formed a friendship and musical partnership that has stood the test of time. The duo Gailforce has been performing locally in the Daytona Beach area ever since. “The girls” (often referred to by friends and fans) play a variety of cover tunes in their repertoire from the 60’s to the present, encompassing rock, southern rock, blues, country, folk and pop. What makes them unique are their tight harmonies and beautiful combination of flute and acoustic guitars. The contrast of their two voices and personalities makes them very enjoyable and entertaining to listen to. Gail and Tina produced their first CD, entitled Covering a Decade, in February 2002. This was an exciting accomplishment for the duo, who wanted to have something to show for their years spent making music together. “ In one sense we did it for our friends and loyal followers, who have come to see us play for years and watched us grow and develop into what we are today. But we also did it for ourselves, to validate what we do and to have something concrete that represents our music. Also, with all of the tourists that come into our area, it gives us a chance to send our music home with folks from all over the country. We have met and made friends with many people over the years, and many of them from out of town hunt us down when they come to Daytona just to hear us play. Now we can give them something to tide them over until their next vacation!” The girls play at a variety of different venues, tailoring their set lists to the type of audience they are playing to. They welcome requests from the crowd. “If we see someone in the audience that has requested a particular song before, we try to play it for them each time we see them. It’s kind of like the bartender knowing what you’ll drink before you ask. It makes people feel special, and we would much rather play what people want to hear. Often people will ask us to learn a particular song, and we will surprise them one day with it--it may take a few months, but we are always looking for new material to add to our set. Audience requests are a big part of that.” This next year promises to be a very exciting one for Gailforce. Tina is taking a personal leave from her career as a school teacher to develop and pursue music full-time. The girls intend to write some original music and explore opportunities outside the local area. The sky is the limit for these two talented
women. If you are in the area and looking for live entertainment, this is one group
you won’t want to miss. Website: WWW.GAILFORCEBAND.COM Registered Date: 7-04
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